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NETSOL Launches a stand-alone STT-MRAM product fabricated in Samsung Foundry’s 28nm FDSOI process

(MRAMInfo, August 29, 2023) NETSOL released new 1Mb to 32Mb serial and 1Mb to 64Mb parallel STT-MRAM products through the Samsung Electronics Foundry.

NETSOL is a fabless company founded in 2010, specializing in memory IC design and marketing to provide memory solutions to more than 400 companies worldwide. With world-class development capabilities, the company provides standard and customized memory solutions for a wide range of applications. Based on its expertise in designing cost-effective, ultra-small, and low-power-consuming memory solutions, it provides customized memory solutions optimized for various applications in various fields, such as fields industrial automation, network system, medical, gaming, enterprise data center and IoT devices.


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