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Your Source for Thin Film Process & Test Solutions!
Attention Re: US Chips Act & Corporate Funding:
US government & corporations to invest >$100B USD in the semiconductor industry over the next 10 yrs.
NANI's sales & marketing management expertise will strategically position your process & test equipment to compete effectively and close sales during this period of unprecedented growth!

We invite you to visit our EU partner's web site @

Future Markets
Emerging technologies & materials drive the need for advanced thin process and test capabilities.
​Magnetic Skyrmions: ​A skyrmion can be described as a swirling quasi-particle, a knot of twisting field lines, or a subatomic hurricane.
Hafnium oxide: Hafnium(IV) oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula HfO
AI (Artificial Intelligence): AI will drive demand for advanced memory architectures that deliver speed, low power consumption and reliable data retention e.g. STT/VCMA/SOT-MRAM, 3D stacking, etc.
Neuromorphic computing: A method of computer engineering in which elements of a computer, including memory, are modeled after systems in the human brain and nervous system. Ibid.
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